Sunday, March 1, 2009

First month of Married Life :-)

Okay, so I know I've had this for a while now and haven't posted anything... but now is the time! I don't know what to really say other than I just got married January 23, 2009! Yup, just over a month and married life is wonderful. We're still unpacking boxes and trying to find a place for everything or trashing it, but its been a fun adventure. Here's a few funny things that have happened since we've been married...

One night I decided to put our new vacuum together. It seemed easy enough with only 7 pieces or so... so of course, thinking how smart I was, I decided I didn't need the directions. Well, I put it all together in no time and thought, "wow I"m really smart!" I told Ben about it and he was like "cool." But then of course I go to vacuum and the handle keeps coming off. I get frustrated and think, "How can someone use a vacuum where the handle keeps coming off every time you push it forward and bring it back?" Of course it took me complaining to Ben about it and him asking me, "Did you screw the pieces together?" "Ummm...oh that's what that little plastic bag of screws was for that came with the vacuum...heheh oops!"
Yeah, it was a little embarrassing, but then I realized how good it is to have Ben around to remind me about little things like that. :-) Classic blond moment.

And then there was this last week. I was making dinner for myself since Ben was working his late shift till 1am. I decided to make pasta. So I made the sauce from scratch and made the pastas... and once I put what I want in my bowl, I leave the rest in the colander over the pot so the water drains. Well, this time I forgot to turn off the stove when I put the colander over the pot and then I just went and sat down eating with my back to the stove. It wasn't till after I was done eating 15 minutes later that I turned around to see the colander had melted to the side of the pot and the pasta was of course all messed up as well. Good bye pasta strainer... and I almost thought the same for my pot, but of course once the plastic cooled down it came back together and just popped right off! yeah! I still have my pot! .... good times.

Then the Good News...

Ben got a Pilot Slot for the Air Force... so yes, he will be going to flight school after graduation, and if he passes... when he passes, he'll be a pilot like he's always dreamed! I'm so excited for him. Can't wait until he gets to really fly big planes or whatever he decides to fly, right now he's thinking helicopters.

So yeah, there's that for now. I'll try to be more up to date and write once a month.